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Outdoor yard sign with vertical flutes. This corrugated plastic sheet is ideal for long-lasting displays, perfect for yard displays, real estate signage, and political campaigns.

Product description

Corrugated Plastic Signs for All Your Signage Needs

Prismaprint is dedicated to helping you find the right product for your needs. Whether you're looking to endorse your message, get your design graphics noticed, or advertise your products and services, our custom Coroplast signs will get the attention your content deserves. Full colour and double-sided options are available. 

Coroplast is highly impact-resistant to wind, rain, hail, and direct sunlight. In long-term use, this prevents the material from rotting, rusting, and warping. The flute properties make the corrugated plastic material more flexible and resistant to cracking. Given the resistance to liquids, ink printed directly to the material is less durable than a self-adhesive vinyl print laminated to the coroplast.

Custom Coroplast Signage

Prismaprint is dedicated to helping you find the right product for your needs. Whether you're looking to endorse your message, get your design graphics noticed, or advertise your products and services, our custom Coroplast signs will get the attention your content deserves. Full colour and double-sided options are available. Coroplast is highly impact-resistant to wind, rain, hail, and direct sunlight. In long-term use, this prevents the material from rotting, rusting, and warping. The flute properties make the corrugated plastic material more flexible and resistant to cracking. Given the resistance to liquids, ink printed directly to the material is less durable than a self-adhesive vinyl print laminated to the coroplast.

Business Signage Printing 

Looking to get a dependable custom sign for your place of work? Whether it is for enforcing social distancing, promoting a service, or installing directional signs, submit your design, and we will assist you in getting the perfect printed signage for your business. Easy to use, coroplast signs can be pierced, screwed, stapled, or hung.  

Where to Buy Coroplast Signs Near Me? 

We offer a wide variety of rigid signs in Canada, suitable to all your needs at a competitive price. Contact us for assistance in getting the perfect advertising sign for any type of business. We offer our services Canada-wide and US for shipping.

Please note: 

For custom size and large formats, we offer 150 x 100 cm sized cut sheets (maximum) to reduce your shipping costs. 

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1645 Queensway E.
Mississauga Ontario,
L4X 3A3, Canada